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CNOOC Limited Announces the First Offshore Wind Power Project Connects to Grid

Time:2020-09-16 Size:[ Large Medium Small ]

On September 15, CNOOC Limited announced that the first offshore wind power project has connected to the grid and begun to generate power.

The offshore wind power project is located in the sea area nearby Jiangsu Province.  The central location of wind farm is about 39 kilometers away from the coast, with a water depth of 12 meters. With a total installed capacity of 300 MW, the project is planned to be equipped with 67 wind turbines. To date, the first batch of wind turbines has connected to grid. The project is scheduled to fully come into on-grid production by the end of 2020, with its annual on-grid power generation expected to reach approximately 860 million kWh. It is estimated to save 279,000 tons of standard coal equivalent, and reduce CO2 emissions by 571,000 tons per year, comparing with conventional coal-fired thermal power plant with the same generating capacity.

The grid-connected of first offshore wind power project indicates that the company’s steady progress in promoting energy transformation and implementing its green and low-carbon strategy. It will also provide a clean energy supply for the green development of the Yangtze River Delta Region.

CNOOC Limited holds 47% interest of the jointly developed offshore wind power project in Jiangsu Province.

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